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Venice and Home

  • Thursday, June 16, 2011
  • Jim Ducale

  • I am writing this last edition to our Italy blog from home in Santa Barbara.  It seemed easier to leave Venice behind after so long in Italia.  We both were looking forward to going home.  We had a beautiful place to stay at B and B Sandra and we strolled almost every street and alley in Venice, sometimes lost.  It is said that the true way to see and experience Venice is by getting lost among its neighborhoods.  It was on one such occasion that we happened to come upon a procession with music and a statue of St. Anthony held high by marchers.  We also happened to arrive in Venice on the day of a regatta between Venice, Pisa, Genova and Amalfi and were treated to a medieval parade and boat race.  We also had the best lasagna Bolonese in Venice with a side of fried calamari, mouth watering. 
    We hope you have enjoyed following along with us through the towns and countryside of Italy.  Albums of photographs will be placed on Shutterfly in the future so that everyone can still enjoy the beautiful country that is Italy.  Arrivederci!


  • Saturday, June 11, 2011
  • Jim Ducale

  • Piazza Maggiore and the Neptune fountain

    Church of San Domenico

    Church of San Domenico where he is buried.

    Mary Jean enjoying risotto dei mari with squid, muscles, shrimp, etc.

    Bologna also has two leaning towers and this is one on the left.  I climbed the one on the right, all 498 steps.

    Stairway of tower.

    Bologna panorama.

    Piazza from tower.

    Bologna and Cathedral Pietrino.

    Walkway near Bologna University

    Italy is becoming a wall of graffiti.  It's everywhere on every building including churches.  

    Duomo of St. Peter

    This is a fountain every man can appreciate.

    Shops everywhere with mouth watering food.

    The alleys off of the main piazzas where the most interesting sights are seen.

    Needs no explanation.

    Mary Jean and I enjoyed afternoon drinks after a long day of walking.

    The Bologna morning started off gray and wet but by the time we got off the bus at Piazza Maggiore the sky began to clear and then progressed to a beautifully sunny day.  We enjoyed visiting the churches, Duomo and Cathedral as well as the food and strolling along the gallerias filled with shops.  You would think the economy was booming from all of the jewelery stores and high end clothing shops.  We took a walk through the University of Bologna area and past an outdoor mercato which you would not recognize as Italy.  Climbing the tower was invigorating and gave spectacular scenes of the city and surrounding region.  Back at the apartment tonight for pasto with pesto genovese, wine and dolce before departing for Venice tomorrow morning.  Venice will be the 10th place I have slept in since leaving California but even with some discomfort and frustration, it was all well worth it.  More soon from Venezia.

    Last Day in Lucca with the Sun

  • Friday, June 10, 2011
  • Jim Ducale

  • Mary Jean enjoying the view and a capucino along Piazza San Michele in Lucca.

    Piazza San Michele

    Church of San Michele

    Piazza of Palazzo Ducale

    There is always a Palazzo Ducale

    The Amfiteatro on a sunny day.


    'Today we drove the 2 hours north through the mountains to Bologna.  Lucca was hard to leave behind but ever onward.  The skies cleared through the mountains finally.  We arrived in Bologna only to get lost again but thanks to some very friendly people we found the correct address.  Unfortunately, the apartment location for us was changed and a very nice person actually led us by car through the neighborhoods to the new address which is an apartment of the brother of Michele who works at Via Maestra 42.  We couldn't believe he actually gave up his own apartment for 2 nights and he actually stocked it with food.  Tonight we are eating in and will take the bus into central Bologna tomorrow for the day before leaving for Venice on Sunday.  Less than a week to go and we are both anxiously looking forward to arriving in California.  More tomorrow.

    Rain, Rain and Florence

  • Wednesday, June 8, 2011
  • Jim Ducale
  • Lucca


    Florence MCDonalds

    Florence Duomo

    Florence from tower

    On the Ponte Vecchio

    Bagna di Lucca in the mountains

    Near Lucca

    Bagna di Lucca  It's has been raining a little each day but in Florence yesterday we got drenched.  Lucca is marvelous and we love it.  So far, Ischis has been our favorite place.  Everywhere is bella but we wish the weather was a little better.  Heading for Bologna Friday for 2 nights and then Venice and home.  Jim climbed the tower next to the Duomo which has over 450 steps.  Amazing views of Florence.  The city was very busy and I would not want to be here in July or August.  The panini here are great as is the pizza.  Jim has actually lost weight from the walking.  Amazing to eat everything and lose weight.  More gelato to come today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day....


  • Monday, June 6, 2011
  • Jim Ducale

  • Sorry for the gap in info.  We were given a gorgeous apartment in Lucca without wifi.  So, I am in a caffe with a very slow connection.  Lucca is beautiful and we have walked the city, eaten well and had some great Tuscany wine.  Tomorrow Florence and leaving here Thursday for I think Bologna or earlier in Venice.  Without wifi makes it difficult.  Looking forward to SB and home. 

    Spoleto in the green heart of Umbria

  • Wednesday, June 1, 2011
  • Jim Ducale
  • Umbria, the green heart of Italia
    You never know when you'll see another Ducale something.

    Spoleto in the morning. It  was in Spoleto where St. Francis received the message from God.

    Spoleto Castle and aqueduct over which I walked.  The castle of the Borgias and a Roman fortress before.

    Umbrian country side near Montefalco.

    A normal Bevagna scene.

    Bevagna canal.

    Umbrian landscape before the storm.
    In a church in Bevagna.  A Franciscan from the 1600's.

    Today we drove through the country side of Umbria along beautiful country roads.  Everywhere were scenes too numerous to imagine.  Above is just a small sampling of what we saw.  Tonight is our last night in Spoleto and we are again at the home of Clara, Valentina and Federico.  Tomorrow we drive to Lucca which is about 3 hours from Spoleto.  Tomorrow, June 2, is a holiday here, the Day of the Republic.  Buona Sera.