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  • Friday, May 27, 2011
  • Jim Ducale
  • Obelisk above Spanish Steps

    Mary Jean on the Spanish Steps

    Spanish Steps with Cathedral above and obelisk

    Piazza del Popolo:  left is toward Quirinale, center the Vittorio Monument and right toward Piazza Navona

    Busy Via del Corso

    Church of St. Giacobo, Saint James

    At the Trevi Fountain
    The day started off wonderfully.  We got to Napoli and changed trains to Roma.  It was then things changed.  I got ripped off by a cab driver from the station to the hotel.  Then we found the hotel was being repaired so they sent us to another one far away from where we wanted to go.  In addition, for what we were paying, it was far below anyone's standards.  So we went out for the day and walked, and walked and walked but actually had a very enjoyable time.  After a panino and beers near the Trevi Fountain I bought some wine and we headed back to the hotel and immediately got on the internet and found a better hotel for less money.  Tomorrow we move again and, I hope, it is an improvement.  Ciao e Buona Notte.


    Unknown said...

    Glad you found a new hotel. Good talking to you. Don't worry about your plants, they're not dead... yet.

    Anonymous said...


    Anonymous said...

    Did the cab driver overcharge you? Sorry! Glad you made the best of it! Just remember, you are in Italy, no matter where you are or what happens, it can always be improved! Love you guys!

    Katy (ps, not sure how to "comment as" other than anonymous.

    booper59 said...

    James - don't you have someone whose in the "travel" business in Rome???

    Jim Ducale said...

    Yes, they recommended the place.

    Unknown said...

    Jim and Mary Jean,
    I couldn't post this from my iPad for some reason, so I sent an email, but now I'll add this comment:
    It's kind of funny that we left from there on the 26th, and you are there on the 27th.
    If you're looking for a really good restaurant, our favorite in Rome is Trattoria Galleria Sciarra in (tiny) Piazza Dell'Oratorio near the Trevi Fountain and next to Teatro Quirino. We had a difficult time finding it the last night there, but when we finally did, it was well worth it!

    Jim Ducale said...

    Thanks, we found a great place near our hotel on Via Flavia. Wonderful food and service with a limoncello finish.

    joanie said...

    hey this is great. beautiful, beautiful

    Anonymous said...

    Wow,what beautiful countryside and churches, well it's all amazing. Eat,pray,love, my dears.Annie

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