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  • Saturday, June 11, 2011
  • Jim Ducale

  • Piazza Maggiore and the Neptune fountain

    Church of San Domenico

    Church of San Domenico where he is buried.

    Mary Jean enjoying risotto dei mari with squid, muscles, shrimp, etc.

    Bologna also has two leaning towers and this is one on the left.  I climbed the one on the right, all 498 steps.

    Stairway of tower.

    Bologna panorama.

    Piazza from tower.

    Bologna and Cathedral Pietrino.

    Walkway near Bologna University

    Italy is becoming a wall of graffiti.  It's everywhere on every building including churches.  

    Duomo of St. Peter

    This is a fountain every man can appreciate.

    Shops everywhere with mouth watering food.

    The alleys off of the main piazzas where the most interesting sights are seen.

    Needs no explanation.

    Mary Jean and I enjoyed afternoon drinks after a long day of walking.

    The Bologna morning started off gray and wet but by the time we got off the bus at Piazza Maggiore the sky began to clear and then progressed to a beautifully sunny day.  We enjoyed visiting the churches, Duomo and Cathedral as well as the food and strolling along the gallerias filled with shops.  You would think the economy was booming from all of the jewelery stores and high end clothing shops.  We took a walk through the University of Bologna area and past an outdoor mercato which you would not recognize as Italy.  Climbing the tower was invigorating and gave spectacular scenes of the city and surrounding region.  Back at the apartment tonight for pasto with pesto genovese, wine and dolce before departing for Venice tomorrow morning.  Venice will be the 10th place I have slept in since leaving California but even with some discomfort and frustration, it was all well worth it.  More soon from Venezia.


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